Anyway, can you believe it is going to be 2012 TOMORROW? I barely can. It's so weird that another year is gone. Although, I teach and have three kids, so to me, "year" is relative, and more related to the school year than the calendar year. But anyway, I thought I would post about a couple of things that are coming up.
Just kidding. :D
Really, firstly, I've decided to participate in Frankie Diane Mallis's 3rd Annual NO KISS BLOGFEST! What this means is that on Monday, January 2, I will post an almost kiss from one of my manuscripts. If you'd like to participate, head on over to Frankie's blog and sign up on the linky. Then come back on Monday and check out my post! Yay!
And then, around February 14, in honor of Valentine's Day, I will be participating in Oasis for YA's That's YA-more Blogfest, for which I will post an ACTUAL KISS from one of my manuscripts.
Yay, kissing!
I'm sure there will be posts in between, but I wanted to let you know about those two. I can't wait!
So. Are you making any goals or resolutions for 2012? Let me know in the comments, and